IBPS RRB PO Result 2021: The Institute of Banking & Personnel Selection issued the IBPS RRB PO Prelims Result 2021. On the official website of IBPS on August 24, 2021. Candidates who took the IBPS RRB PO prelims exam on the 1st and 7th of August can view it. All candidates who pass the IBPS RRB PO prelims cut off 2021. Those will be eligible to sit for the mains exam. Which held on September 25, 2021. The direct link to check the IBPS RRB PO prelims result is provided below the article.
Published IBPS RRB PO Result
IBPS has released the IBPS PO Result for the prelims exam. And, the candidates can now check their results.
To view IBPS RRB PO Prelims Result, candidates must have their Registration number/Roll Number, Password/Date of Birth with them. Check the link provided below in the post for the direct link.
Important Dates for IBPS PO Result
The prelims test for the IBPS RRB Officer Scale I(PO) was held on the 1st and 7th of August 2021. And the IBPS RRB PO result issue on the 24th of August 2021. For the IBPS RRB 2021 test, see all of the essential dates for the officer scale-I outcome.
IBPS RRB PO Prelims Result
On August 24, the IBPS RRB PO result link activates on the IBPS official website. Besides, the IBPS RRB PO mains test is set to take place on September 25, 2021. And all candidates who took the IBPS RRB PO preliminary exam must have begun their preparation for the mains exam. Below is the direct link. All the relevant will be available on this page. Please read the content carefully. So, for more detail click the below links. Here it is-