How to Overcome Anxiety: General Recommendation 

It’s human nature to feel anxiety. It appears for a variety of reasons – because of the situation in the world, problems at work or with loved ones, the financial situation. This feeling constrains a person. It throws off the usual rhythm and can not think about something else. What is anxiety? How does it manifest itself? How to calm down and set aside anxiety?

Anxiety is a state of man when he feels threatened from outside. This threat provokes fear. This state manifests itself in everyone on a different scale. And this feeling is quite normal for people. It can be attributed to one of the manifestations of natural instincts. In this way, we protect our organism by staying alert at all times.

However, modern man is not threatened by anything in everyday life. Today anxiety and worry becomes more of a problem than a survival aid. It leads to emotional burnout, chronic stress, and constant fatigue that make us unable to function fully.

Anxiety Test 

Like any other ailment, anxiety has its own symptoms. Patients with this diagnosis have the following thoughts constantly running through their heads:

  • I feel stuck.
  • I am constantly tormented by the past.
  • I try to calm down and get rid of anxiety, but I can’t do it.
  • It’s not just me who suffers but also my loved ones, my work and my family.
  • I worry about what will happen in the future, I am as worried about tomorrow as I am about what will happen in a few years.
  • I’m more comfortable avoiding crowded places.
  • Anxiety inside comes up without a reason.
  • Intrusive thoughts keep me awake.
  • I am often distracted from my business and work tasks.
  • I feel tired, but I am constantly in an agitated state.

It turns out that a person is constantly worried about something. The obsessive “what if this” or “what if that” never leaves my head. For example, “what if a strategy at 22 Bet doesn’t let me win”, or “what if I don’t make the right amount of money.”

The illness also has physical manifestations:

  • Excessive sweating.
  • Tremors in the knees.
  • Episodes of nausea and vomiting.
  • Thirsty.
  • Rumbling in the stomach.

4 Proven Ways to Overcome Anxiety

With such a syndrome, it’s better to see a specialist. He will help suppress the permanent feeling of anxiety and sort out the cause of the problem.

However, there are cases when anxiety comes at the most inopportune moment. What to do in such a case? For this, socialists have developed several exercises to suppress anxiety.

Concentration on Breathing

Our body – a single unit, all systems and processes that are linked together. When we experience anger or excitement, our pulse rate increases. At rest, it slows down. Anxiety and worry cause headaches. Prolonged inactivity will cause muscular discomfort, causing your body to give every signal to move.

In that case, you need to focus on your breathing. It’s simple – intrusive thoughts increase the number of breaths and exhalations, and calmness, on the contrary, will relieve us of unnecessary stress and normalize breathing.

To do this, simply take yourself by the stomach and take slow breaths and exhalations. Concentrate on this process. Think of your chest filling up with air and releasing it. Repeat several times until your breathing returns to normal.

Therapy With the Question, “What if?”

People with anxiety are constantly bothered by “what if?” or “what if?” questions. What if we’re not right for each other? What if I’m not coping with my responsibilities at work? What if my supervisor calls us to meet to cut my wage or fire me altogether?

Questions like these arise spontaneously in your head. They are uncontrollable because they are associated with fear and anxiety. The salvation from this is a positive response to these questions. For example, imagine that the very scary meeting with the boss has nothing to do with the fact that you do not cope well with their responsibilities. On the contrary, you are overly critical and are considered an example of an excellent worker because you regularly meet scheduled tasks. Your boss has called you in to express his gratitude in the form of an incentive – a raise or a promotion.

It would be a good idea to treat this with a bit of humor and fantasize about a completely absurd outcome. For example, the director of the company leaves everything and moves to the other end of the world. However, he leaves you in charge, without explanation. Approaching the anxiety with humor, you will change the vector of your thoughts and feel a little better.

Exercise “I Have an Idea!”

Constant thoughts about the subject of our anxiety move us from the present to the past and the future. We no longer focus specifically on it and its solution. We think about its causes and its negative outcome. The following exercise helps us return to reality and calm down. A person’s worries are just thoughts, and not always justified.

Think about what exactly it bothers you. Say the problem aloud, and remind yourself that the negative outcome of the situation is in your mind. In reality, it has not yet taken place. 

It’s better to get some privacy and say it out loud. Then it will be easier for you to get back on track and not dwell on things that haven’t happened yet or have already happened.

Curb Self-Criticism

Self-judgment and laying blame on others usually makes you think in terms of limitations. This approach not only takes away your strength, but also increases your anxiety level.

The solution to such a problem is to accept one’s own and others’ shortcomings. This is considered the foundation of any work on oneself.

To stop the flow of anxious thoughts in time, recite a mantra. A mantra is a statement that reminds you of what’s important. Say to yourself, “I don’t blame anyone or anything today.” Come up with a mantra that will help you, and repeat it to yourself as often as possible so you don’t get hung up on judgment.